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Albert Fritz

Albert Fritz

Albert Fritz, der ehemalige Friseur in der Flak Kaserne, ist am † 13. Februar 2018 verstorben.
Er wurde 86 Jahre alt und arbeitete über 50 Jahre als Friseur in der Flak Kaserne. Ich weiß, dass er im Laufe seiner Karriere von vielen Soldaten gemocht und geschätzt wurde. Er wird vermisst werden.

Mein tiefstes Beileid gilt der Familie und Freunden von Herrn Fritz. Möge er in Frieden ruhen.

Danke für Eure Anteilnahme…

"Fritz, danke, dass du immer freundlich zu uns Amerikanern bist, die im Laufe der Jahre deine Türen passiert haben. Ruhe in Frieden.“

"My last military haircut shortly before I retired was from Mr Fritz. That was 26 years ago. R.I.P. Mr Fritz.“

"I'm sorry for your loss he was a great man.Rip Fritz.“

"RIP Fritz. Cut my hair from 80-82 at Flak“

"Fritz was so good to all of us. My family was fortunate to be a guest at his house many times. His wife showed me how to make spetzel home made. May he rest in peace he will be sadly missed. I wish I could attend . My heart felt love to his family“

"My deepest condolences go out to his family and friends. He was a very kind Man and will be missed by many. I will try to attend his funeral.“

"He cut my hair every three weeks for 4 years, from 1986 to 1990. He was a good man, I'm very sorry to hear about his passing.“

"God Bless all if the Fritz family. He was the best Barber ever and most importantly, a beautiful person! He will be sorely missed!“

"He sure was an Icon at Flak Kaserne. Prayers of comfort to his friends and family."

"I bought a car from one of the Barbers dont remember his name that was in 1970 it was a 65 Ford Taunus white with black top even had a sun roof. But would like to say rest in peace.“

"R.I.P. Fritz, I loved talking with you when getting my haircuts."

"RIP, he was one of the best barbers I had pleasure of meeting and cutting my hair."

"Jesus needs a trim, peace be with you Fritz"

"IP Fritz, always enjoyed his company. 1982 - 1989."

"6 years at Flak, Mr. Fritz cut my hair a lot. He used to tease me because I always pushed the regulations about how short I didn’t get it done. He always said see you next week cause you know they will send you back. He was a very nice man and locked in all our memories RIP Fritz"

"Nothing but fond memories of Fritz. He touched so many of our lives while we were stationed at Flak Kaserne. God Bless."

"13th S & S Bn, January thru June 1982, then transferred to Nellingen. I thank you Sir for your kind service to us all. God Bless your family"